Friday, 22 August 2008


I was scanning TV channels when I stopped at one of them, showing a 'Just For Laughs Gags' type of show. There were 3 people who were moving around with huge piles of boxes that were stuck to each other. They scared people by making it look as if the pile was going to fall on them. I have to say - they were trying to be funny. And suddenly they try and throw the pile on 2 chicks and both of them throw their hands up. Guess what they had in their hands!

Yes, a cigarette. And just after they threw their hands up, they gave a smile as if to show that they were not cigarettes, but were lollipops...and slowly started drawing their hands down. Personally I think it’s perfectly ok, whether it is a male or a female, to smoke as long as the person is over 18 and understands the effects of it. However, I have rarely seen males hiding their cigarettes. But females…..! Why? I don’t know the exact reasons and can only formulate hypothesis. So what is it that makes them react in such a way? Is it we, the society, who are scaring them? Or is it still the nature of a woman – who is still in that mode, trying to break those stereotypical images of a ‘woman’...yet not completely out of it.


Anonymous said...

i think its a cultural thing...women are not "supposed" to smoke..(watever that means!)

Anonymous said...

"Or is it still the nature of a woman – who is still in that mode, trying to break those stereotypical images of a ‘woman’...yet not completely out of it." Yes, very true.

My classmates in college (the girls of my group) used to smoke but always in hiding. I was the only non-smoker in that group. I don't know what they wanted to show to themselves by doing that. They didn't even have the guts to go & buy cigarettes.

Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog & am glad that you want to participate. Pls read my answer there.


N said...

i think its a vicious circle. Society expects women to be a certain way. Women are always worried about breaking free of those expectations ..... so society enforces them some more. And it continues.....

Henri said...
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Henri said...

I agree with N entirely! Even as so-called-liberated women, women tend to hide that they smoke, sometimes from roommates, sometimes from mom and dad, sometimes from her spouse, and it goes on...but mostly to escape "judgment" and "disapproval"

Nishchal Shukla નિશ્ચલ શુક્લ said... it seems that its both - the society and the women, who are involved and are responsible. So any ideas - how to break this vicious cycle?

Faded Glory said...

Well, not always. Some women do flaunt 'the cigarette' in the hand. I would call them faggers instead of smokers.

And men hide cigarettes too, from parents, girlfriends, wives.

Having acceptance of certain habits of an individual(male/female) as his/her choice, is the only way to make smoking not taboo. Once there is acceptance, people will be themselves and wont need to hide anything - be it smoking/drinking or sexual orientation.

Anonymous said...

More than the vicious circle it's the courage to the "imaginary" consequences.. The point is not of what the society thinks, the point is if the society think so and you still continue to be what you want to be - will you be able to stand up for that????

B said...

and in some places, youngs ladies will just hold the cigarettes to show off how cool they are! depends on the place and culture.

Anonymous said...

Time to participate in that photo contest.... you wanted to participate, right ??


Anonymous said...

Last date ??
Huh... You haven't read the rules, have you ?
You don't even check replies to your comment. Why ?
Last month you had asked me & I had replied there & then.

I won't tell you the last date here. Go & check there. Everything is explained in simple terms. :-)