Wednesday, 23 July 2008

A Corny Affair!

I had a corny affair a few hours ago. I have a friend who has got into a Big uni in the USA and so had invited a few people for dinner. I actually left early from office today (which gave a nice shock to my friend) to be there on time (after all - khaana jo tha :D). The place where I was supposed to go is a nice place. And when I reached, the two of them were already eating something. I just threw my helmet on the seat next to me and grabbed some food from their plate (I realised one of them stopped halfway as they tried offering me the food). The mushrooms they had ordered also arrived right on time. They asked me if I liked the dish. But I tried being honest and said I had never eaten it before. They weren't surprised :) I tried eating it. Khaana jo tha..achcha hi tha.

And then I was given the menu to order something. Now this is something I try and avoid because though I love eating food, I hardly understand their names and so I prefer that someone else does that part. I again tried being honest that I didn't understand anything and so it would be better that they ordered what they liked because I would not mind eating anything (as long as it is a veg food). They said I should still try and so I opened the menu. I had to order a sizzler. And I could just not go beyond one name. I told them that I had selected the dish and they should not laugh at me. And I read it aloud - "A corny affair"! We just could not resist laughing out loud! It had corn in it and I find it difficult to resist it. We finally ordered it. It was a wonderful evening, especially having the unexpected corny affair! :)


Anonymous said...

in defense of that poor dish.. i must state here that i really do love corn...all forms ,shapes, preparations..

abhay said...

really nice blog....wonderful...but actually i don't like corn..hmmmm

Nishchal Shukla નિશ્ચલ શુક્લ said...

cool :)