Sunday, 29 June 2008

Jamuns and a change

There is a Jamun tree in my house. Actually it is in my neighbour's house. But since 80% of the jamuns fall in our house, I like saying that it is in our house. I have spent 25 years of my life in this house and I remember eating jamuns from the time I was a kid. I remember my brother and I used to go and collect the jamuns, wash them under running tap water and eat them. We even used to get warnings from mummy and pappa as the jamuns usually had sand particles or some other dirt attached to it. But we didn't use to pay any attention to those warnings and enjoyed colouring our teeth and tongue purple by eating them.

We hardly collect them nowadays.

Today, two kids, Ajay and Gopal, made me recall those days. Two of them were sitting on the wall outside my house. As soon as my eyes met theirs, Gopal asked me if they could come inside and collect the jamuns. I looked at the ground full of jamuns, thought of something and invited them. But I told them not to jump from the wall but come through the gate. They came in and started collecting the jamuns. I asked them some basic questions like their name, where they lived, whether they go to school or not and the class they studied in. But they seemed to be engrossed in collecting as many fruits as their hands could hold and so I didn't question them any further. I suggested one of them to put the jamuns into their pockets and then continue collecting them again. They followed the suggestion and soon i could see a bulge hanging down the pocket of Ajay. I even got them a plastic bag in which they could keep the jamuns.

But as I stood there observing them, I could observe a change in myself. Till some years back, when such kids would climb the wall and ask us for the jamuns, we used to straightaway say no. We made sure that they left and waited for sometime to see that no one returned. However, today when the two kids asked me to come and collect the fruits, I just had to think for a second and I knew the answer. I know the answer for any such kid now onwards. It is a sign of change in me and I am happy about it.

After they left, I too bent down and tasted a few jamuns :) They still are the same, covered with sand all over but very sweet and purple from inside.


Apoorva Bhandari said...

Ur best ever post.

anar said...

The purple pleasure of change is what I call this.
Just yesterday was I talking to a friend about how much we have changed...
am glad the change is good and has helped to get a smile on a childs face!

happy jamuns!

Henri said...

I think I have never enjoyed reading your blog as much before! I guess it is the self-reflection...It is amazing what the mirror of life shows at times, and like you are liking the change in you...I like the change in you too! Also, good language usage, very crisply, but endearingly written post...Cheers...

Henri said...

I think I have never enjoyed reading your blog as much before! I guess it is the self-reflection...It is amazing what the mirror of life shows at times, and like you are liking the change in you...I like the change in you too! Also, good language usage, very crisply, but endearingly written post...Cheers...

Vaishali Shah said...

hmm..god gives strength to all of us to bring such change..But the important part is to have courage to share it so frankly..nice one..

Anonymous said...

oh jamuns are REALLLLLLLLY cool!! my g'mom had a huge tree in her backyard... but we dint get to eat too many jamuns..they birds would get to them before we cud :(

i remember how the fruit wud fall on the ground and colour everything in a pretty purple!