Monday, 4 February 2008


Aeroplanes have always fascinated me. I remember looking up at the sky, looking for them every time I heard them roaring. Looking through the trees, behind tall buildings, in all directions, just to get a glimpse of it. I remember looking at the thick white trail some of them left behind and then following it till the end just to find out the one that had made it. I remember sleeping on terrace at night, staring at the dark sky with twinkling dots and then finding a flashing, moving dot, an aeroplane traveling at night. There are many sweet memories linked to the last one :)

A year back I got to board an aeroplane for the first time. And I have boarded it a few number of times after that. Of course not to say that I have stopped looking for them when they pass roaring now. The curiosity still remains the same. In fact it has increased a bit more.

The only difference is that some time back, I used to curiously look at the plane passing by and now I even look at the earth as it carries me in it. As the plane takes off, it not just carries us away from the land but also sets our brain in the zoom out mode. The people, the houses, the trees, the buildings – all, decrease in dimension as we start flying. It just gives you an amazing view of things, whether on land from which you are moving away or the sky in which you are flying.

Of the few things that I remember as I have flown a few times in the past year are –

- View of the cities, full of bright dots at night. And as the plane lands, the light sources – the street lamps, the headlights etc. which appeared initially as points, increasing in diameter and becoming full big sources, lighting everything around. The straight lines formed by the point light sources emerge as roads lighted by the street lamps. I just can't describe it in words here!
- View of the sun rising at the horizon.
- A splendid view of the clouds, looking like blobs of cotton, flooring the sky :)
- View of the plane passing through the clouds, with the clouds knocking at the windows and the body of the plane, as if asking us to allow them to enter inside :)

I still love to watch the planes from the ground and wonder if someone sitting inside could see me staring at them :)

1 comment:

frownie said...

yes you sure do have a fascinated look... as you stare through the hazzy window... and ofcourse take pictures of people sleeping while you are wondering what going on down there beyond there...

Now I know for sure that wherever I am in or under... there a Nish somewhere whose looking up.. above and beyond...:)